Other Panda Worlds

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Final Run on Things.

Alright. So I've been lazy to post up these last pictures of last semester's art assignments. I've been really busy these past couple weeks getting myself an internship! woot woot! My brother told me about an internship opening at his work about a month ago, and at first I was very reluctant to even apply because his company is not exactly catering to my art style, but that was very selfish and unrelenting of me to think. In the end I submitted my resume and the best portfolio I could put together amidst all the business that is the last weeks of Rinling junior year (you know, running around like a chicken without a head trying to get all the assignments done on time and also doing artsy fartsy venues that have nothing to do with my class curriculum, oh and also getting in some quality goodbye for summer friends and boyfriend chill time).

I ended up scoring myself an interview that coincidentally coincidedwith my father and I's week vacation in NYC to spend some quality time with my brother and VOILA! POP BAM ZAP! bought me an awesomely fashionable appropriate interview outfit for very cheap at one of the many tiny boutiques in Soho, New York, got my game face on, met with 2 awesome people that I will be working with in the future during my internship, and I let my dad meet my interviewer afterwards, which to my credit, was an AWESOME idea! hehe. anyways. I'll be leaving for the Big Apple on May 29, and I'll be starting my first day on the job (which of course is full time hourly pay of $12 an hour, YES!) on Tuesday May 31st. Super excited.

But enough of my rambling. On to the artwork!

here are some pictures i took of my sculpture I did for Adv. Media w/ Brandes. I just sculpted the little princess character from my "The End" dummies from Children's Book Literature class. She tripping on some rocks, with a pitcher full of lemonade (because I'm sure you couldn't tell). My favorite part of this was definitely the color of the original sculpey i got (terra cotta) and of course the fence! XD cutest little white picket fence I darn good saws. :3 If I do say so myself, and I do say so.

and here are some finished & unfinished landscapes I painted throughout the year at Myakka state park and the Marina.

Well, that'll be it for now, kiddies. Much more still to come. . . lol. still trying to catch up from last semester uploads. This is what I get for not keeping up w/ my posts. OOH. and stay tuned for a sneak peak of a painting I've started as a belated Mom's day gift for my madre. :3

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